
Youthful Offender

Youthful Offender status is a special status that has been a part of the Alabama Code since 1975, which is when the current state code was enshrined into law. 

It allows for young adults who are under the age of twenty-one (21) at the time of their arrest to apply to be adjudicated as a "youthful offender".  It brings the best part of the juvenile justice process to the adult court system - substantially reducing sentencing and penalties that impact young adults who later exercise their right to a trial or enter a plea of guilty to being a "youthful offender" and are adjudicated as such. 

The biggest benefit to this type of adjudication is that youthful offender records are permanently sealed from the public. It is not an automatic award, the client must apply for the special status. Then, per the Court's instruction, the client must meet with a state probation officer for an interview and complete an application to then appear before the assigned Judge for a hearing. 

Courts typically consider a client's prior juvenile record, any adult arrests, work and civic history, education, employment, references and the seriousness of the offense for which the client is currently charged. 

Frequently, in Madison County, our judges require drug screens on the day of court. It is solely within the Court's discretion on whether or not to grant youthful offender status. Having the opportunity to help young folks in this category - typically ages eighteen (18) to twenty-one (21) - is likely my favorite part of the job. It brings an element of rehabilitation, learning and hope into every situation.

Frequently, in Madison County, our judges require drug screens on the day of court. It is solely within the Court's discretion on whether or not to grant youthful offender status. Having the opportunity to help young folks in this category - typically ages eighteen (18) to twenty-one (21) - is likely my favorite part of the job. It brings an element of rehabilitation, learning and hope into every situation.